What is Ripcord? The Alex Fielding Story

Finally, in 2014, Alex Fielding co-founded Ripcord, on a mission to make the world paperless.

Ripcord uses sophisticated software and automation to provide clients with fast, secure, and all-inclusive solutions for records management, at affordable prices.

The company is the first organization to use vision robotics in paper digitization. Paper records are a recurring nightmare for many businesses. They aren’t secure and take up real estate. With Ripcord, the paper records that are trapped in warehouses can be made into meaningful data.

Ripcord uses robots to scan paper records and classify the data for cheaper, faster, and more accurate digitization. It then uses sophisticated software to uncover insights that can radically improve clients’ businesses.

How Ripcord Works

1. Start by Sending Ripcord Your Content

You start by packaging all your content and records and shipping them to Ripcord. When Ripcord receives your documents, it will log them and assign a barcode to each, allowing them to be identified & tracked while going  through the digitization process.

2. Document Preparation and Digitization

Ripcord will organize your records and prepare them for digitization using robots known as Workcells. The Workcells will rapidly digitize each of the images in full, high-resolution color and produce a PDF of each record that’s fully searchable. Your records are then stored securely and can be managed via Ripcord Canopy, their records management platform.

3. Access Your Records

With Ripcord Canopy you can quickly search for and locate your data by using keyword, filtered, and Boolean searches. You will find it much easier to find your content with just a few keystrokes rather than having to go through mountains of paper files.

Ripcord Differentiators


Digitization is just the beginning. Ripcord Canopy can help manage the full document lifecycle, whether its life begins as a physical or digital document.

Fast Search

To access your records, you can search by easy-to-use Boolean, keyword, or filtered search.

Security and Compliance

When documents are stored in facilities, file rooms, or third party locations, it becomes challenging to enforce security and compliance policy measures. Canopy integrates with any existing identity management tools, such as LDAP and Active Directory, and data is encrypted both at-rest and in-transit so that you can set retention and access policies for compliance.

Analytics and Reporting

Managing disposition and retention policies is a major element in any records management program. Ripcord Canopy’s reporting and analytics dashboard empower clients to easily identify records that are ready for disposition.


Entrepreneur.com Interview with Alex Fielding